b'JA SPOTLIGHTJewelers of America is a membershipin navigating the political landscape, organization. While we have been deeplyenabling JA members to contribute to and rooted in advocacy work on behalf of theparticipate in the political process. industry, it is our members needs that driveJewelers of America hosts its annual fly-in our core values, says Jewelers of Americato Washington, D.C. Since its inception in President & CEO David J. Bonaparte. 2011, this event has been a cornerstone of As a membership organization, JewelersJAs advocacy strategy. Jewelers from across of America serves all areas of the jewelrythe country converge on Capitol Hill to industry, from small, independent jewelryengage directly with lawmakers and their designers to large brands, single-store tostaff. These meetings are crucial for sharing multi-store retailers and any business thatfirsthand experiences and concerns related serves the jewelry industry. Serving a broadto issues like rising crime rates, unfair taxa-membership base pushes Jewelers of Amer- tion, and regulatory burdens.ica to constantly evolve its membership benefits to provide valuable tools that helpREPRESENTATION AND RESOURCESjewelers be more profitable, professional,Jewelers of America is an authoritative and visible. voice for the fine jewelry industry and through expert legislative counsel and THE VOICE OF THE INDUSTRY a network of industry insiders, JA stays Jewelers of America has been a stead- ahead of emerging issues and provides fast voice of jewelers. The more memberstimely updates to its members through JA serves, the bigger the voice JA hasJewelers of Americas consumer-facingmember alerts, updated business guidance to bring change and better protect theInstagram (@jewelersofamerica) documents, legislative reports, and more.jewelry industry.The resources Jewelers of America Jewelers of America has been a formidable advocate on Capitolprovides are invaluable. From marketing promotions and business Hill, championing the interests of jewelers and fighting againstservices to educational webinars and certification programs, JA legislation detrimental to the industry. From battling luxury taxesequips its members with tools to enhance their operations and in the early 1990s to addressing modern challenges like estate taxesprofitability. For instance, JAs partnership with FedEx offers signif-and retail crime, JAs advocacy efforts have been pivotal. Its workicant discounts on shipping services, while Synchronys consumer extends beyond opposition; JA has also supported beneficial mea- financing program provides exclusive rates that boost jewelry sales. sures such as sales tax fairness, illustrating their balanced approachAdditionally, JAs Professional Certification Program helps jewelers to policy influence. Continued on page 78Central to this advocacy is the Jewelers of America Political Action Committee (JAPAC). JAPAC serves as a critical tool Above, JA President and CEO David Bonaparte (right) with pollster Ed Goeas at JAs Member Meetup, and, at left, JA members at the organizations 2023 fly-in event in Washington, D.C.(Photo credit: Abby Greenwalt Photography)76 RETAILER HALL OF FAME 2024'