b'GINA DROSOSwithin three to four years. The company expectsI thought there was such a uniqueness and to see a five to 10 percent increase in engage- a craftsmanship and beauty to jewelry. Its like ments this year. When I think of theart, she says.Chief Financial Officer Joan Hilson, aAs an adult, shes more thoughtful in her numbers person by trade, appreciates Drososflywheel of leadership,jewelry choices.affinity for data. her heart is at the core.At the start of her professional life, she had Hilson describes her boss as an optimist anda few go-to pieces that shed wear often. Now a realist at the same time, a leader who balances Joan Hilson, that Ive been at Signet, I appreciate the ability the companys creative aspects and consumerSignet Jewelersto bring your personal touch and style to how messaging with whats important from a busi- you wear your jewelry. I take more chances ness perspective.with it than I used to, she says.When I think of the flywheel of leadership,Drosos also has a fun annual competition her heart is at the core. Her mind is focused onwith Chief Consumer Officer Singleton. what we need to deliver results and bring valueWe have a very wicked football rivalry, to our shareholders. But we need to bring oursays Singleton, who is a University of Alabama brand forward in a way that is meaningful tofan while Drosos is a Georgia bulldog through our customers, she says. and through. They have a standing bet regarding which A LITTLE LEVITY team will have a better year.Drosos is a data person without question,The loser has to make the winner a really but she enjoys the fun side of her job at thefabulous piece of spectacular team jewelry, jewelry giant. says Singleton.As a child, Drosos would play in her moms jewelry box, layeringFootball rivalry aside, the two have a supportive professional on multiple pieces at a time long before maximalism was a trend. relationship.44 RETAILER HALL OF FAME 2024'