b"RONALD LEITZEL & TONIA LEITZEL ULSH45 Years of Mountz Moments campaign.Supporting nonprofit organizations is a pri-This time, itll be members of the publicority for Mountz Jewelers, so they always find who decide which charities receive donations,time to make it happen. as Mountz is asking customers who enter theRon and Tonia also make the effort to serve raffle for their suggestions. on multiple boards. It makes you realize that what we do here isTonia sits on the board of directors for The Sal-so tiny compared to other charities, Ron saysvation Army Harrisburg Capital City Region and while reflecting on the impact of the Inspirevolunteers for the local arm of the Midwest Food 40 campaign. Bank, the United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland We dont do this for recognition. Its becauseCounty, and the Saint Patrick School in Carlisle. its the right thing to do and its in our hearts. Both Ron and Tonia are members of the Mountz Jewelers also has donated to theUnited Ways Alexis de Tocqueville Society.Lifeline helicopter pilots in Pennsylvania, aIts the consistent support they give to donation that was deeply personal.their community that, I believe, [makes] In 2007, Tonias familyher husbandthe people want to support their business in John Ulsh, daughter Katie Ulsh, and sonIts the consistent supportreturn, says Herskovitz of GN Diamond.James Ulshwere involved in a seriousthey give to their communityEveryone is treated like family at car accident that left her husband with a 3Mountz Jewelers, giving their customers percent chance of surviving.that, I believe, [makes] thethe motivation to support the Leitzel It was a Lifeline helicopter that carriedpeople want to support theirfamily business by returning whenever they her husband and her then 4-year-old son tohave an occasion to celebrate.the hospital that day. business in return.There are just so many different areas As an appreciation for the pilots, MountzAsaf Herskovitz, that need help and were not afraid to do Jewelers presented them with a check.that. We just hope other businesses also Along with making donations, ToniaGN Diamond follow suit because its really important for often helps run philanthropic events inquality of life in every community, support-Central Pennsylvania.ing the people out there, says Ron. I find that I lean towards children in need because they cant control their destiny at that point. WhenWHATS NEXT there are children who need food, that just tugs at my heart- With three freestanding locations, Mountz Jewelers has done a strings, says Tonia.lot of expanding since the Leitzel family began selling fine jewelry When asked how they balance expanding their business with soalongside lamps 75 years ago.many charitable events throughout the year, Tonia explains that itsBut who will take over once Ron and Tonia retire?all about prioritizing.The Leitzels dont like to push anyone in their family to become The Leitzel family opened Leitzel's Jewelry and Gifts in 1949, left, and acquired Mountz Jewelers in 1979.34 RETAILER HALL OF FAME 2024"