b'AMINA SOREL MEGAN PICCIONEAMINA SOREL FINE JEWELRY MEGAN PICCIONE HIGHJEWELRYAs technology and e-commerce have evolved, people are more predisposed to tech- Using a scheduling service to reserve nology than any other consumer in history.private appointments for clients has not Being able to offer clients a connection to theonly increased my production over the sourcing of our diamonds through a VR (virtu- years, but it has elevated the experience al reality) experience has been instrumental.my customers have when working with Coupled with the rise of social media plat- me. They love having the one-on-one forms and the access of AI, you will see a moreconcierge service.refined and immersive online experience.RETAIL VIVIANA LANGHOFF, ADORNMENT + THEORY One technological advancement that has significantly improved my productivity and customer service is the wide-spread adoption of CRM (customer relationship management) systems by manufacturers. With CRM systems, I can easily track jobs, receive quotes, and monitor the manufacturing process in real time. Having CAD designs, quotes, and production schedules consolidated in one portal streamlines my workflow and enhances efficiency. After 15 years in the industry, the traditional methods of constantly calling or emailing manufacturers for updates and adjustments were not only time consuming but also detrimental to providing excellent customer service, especially when scaling the business. The integration of CRM systems has transformed these interactions, allowing for seamless communication and better project management, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and business growth. GRACE BARRETTI, GREENWICH ST. JEWELERSUsing Asana for project management has helped our marketing team better organize our marketing calendars con-tent needs and collaborate on upcoming campaigns, better communicate with other departments like sales and produc-tion, and delegate tasks to other team members. I am a big planner and believe we can achieve so much more when we can plan efficiently!BEAU MAVILLE TROY UNDERWOODDUTILLES JEWELRY DESIGN STUDIO UNDERWOODS FINE Utilizing Clientbook for our daily communicationJEWELERSand tracking customer activity has led to a substantialWe are using cutting-edge increase in my staffs productivity. We rely on Clientbooktechnology throughout the for managing communication for all service jobs, customcustom process. The ability to design projects, and enhancing our clienteling efforts. Thecreate renderings using CAD seamless integration of Clientbook with the Edge softwareand then to be able to print a allows our employees to effortlessly communicate with3D wax of the design to scale customers, streamline operations, and provide a moreallows our clients to see, feel and touch their one-of-a-personalized and efficient service experience. This integration ensures thatkind piece before its finished.all customer interactions and updates are easily accessible, promoting better coordination and a higher level of customer satisfaction.ILSA HEINICKE HUSCHER, BORSHEIMS In the year 2024, this answer is perhaps common to the point of seeming trite, but it has to be AI. By using it discerningly and selectively, its helped my team significantly cut down on the time it takes to complete some of their more repetitive processes, such as changing photo backgrounds and creating product descriptions in bulk. With that said, its only a tool to improve efficiency and can never replace human talent.NATIONAL JEWELER 65'