b'GINA DROSOSBy 2011, she had worked her way up to group president of P&GsThe team at P&G had decided it would make more sense for Global Beauty Care division, overseeing a $12 billion portfolio thatDrosos to be located in Singapore, but with her children in seventh included some of the most well-known brands on the market.and eighth grade at the time, she decided moving abroad was not the Her time with the consumer products giant gave her a strongbest choice for her family.foundation for her current role. Its one of those great work-life balance decisions that working It was really that same idea of bringing together a multifunction- moms have to make, she says.al team to create a vision to wow consumers, says Drosos. Drosos left P&G, taking on a role at startup biotechnology com-It was around that time that an executive recruiter reached out topany Assurex Health in 2013.her about a board position at Signet Jewelers, laying the groundworkThe company created GeneSight, a genetic test to predict a pa-for the next step in her career. tients response to neuropsychiatric medication. Its used by health-After speaking with the recruiter, Drosos says she had the feelingcare professionals to provide care for patients living with depression Signets board would be somewhere she could contribute and learn.and other mental health disorders.She could share her expertise in branding, marketing, and consumerOver a four-year period, the company grew twelvefold and was understanding while learning more about retail. exploring an initial public offering when Myriad Genetics made an Jamie Singleton, Signets group president and chief consumeroffer of its own to the tune of $410 million.officer, first met Drosos at a board meeting. Drosos led the transition and felt she accomplished what she I found her to be the most straightforward, curious, smart, andcould at Assurex Health. insightful person in the room, but very down-to-earth and relatable,Around this time, the then-CEO of Signet Jewelers, Mark Light, and incredibly interested in the business, she recalls. found himself in the hot seat due to public controversies and the For Drosos, it was the people on Signets board who were thecompanys poor performancethe company would later say he re-main selling point. tired due to health reasonsand so, as the Signet board began its Its a group of really smart, talented people who are also genuine- CEO search, a few directors turned their attention to Drosos.ly nice and interested and engaged, people who really care. I couldI was really proud that they asked and to be considered. I didnt see that, and I thought, Wow, thats the kind of company Id like toknow if I would be selected among the candidates, but I did know be part of, says Drosos. there was a tremendous opportunity to lead our company in a great She joined the board as an independent director in 2012. forward direction, she says.Drosos got that opportunity. After five years on Signets board, LEADING SIGNET she was named the jewelry retailers new CEO in August 2017, the When she first began serving on Signets board, Drosos was stillfirst woman to lead the business.running P&Gs global beauty division.TRANSFORMATION AHEADAs Signets new CEO, Drosos saw the need for a holistic transformation, but she wanted input from her team on exactly how it would work.Signet, at that time, was in a sales slump. In the quarter prior to Drosos appointment, the retailer reported that sales were down 11 percent year-over-year.It was a slow start to the year, said then-CEO Light, as Signet faced headwinds in the overall retail envi-ronment coupled with a slowdown in jewelry spending and company-specific challenges.Looking to make changes, Drosos says her first priority as CEO was to listen to the team, to share that think-ing with them in a very broad sense and get the team to help fill in details of the plan and strategy.Financially, Drosos felt the business Signet Jewelers CEO Gina Drosos (right) met with De Beerscould be taken in new directions to help CEO Al Cook during a recent trip to Botswana. drive growth. Continued on page 4240 RETAILER HALL OF FAME 2024'