b'20 UNDER 40 Q&AQ3: WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE ENTERING THE JEWELRY INDUSTRY?SARA REISZ SARGENT MARINA PILIBOSIAN BOZABALIAN SUMMERWIND JEWELERS BIRMINGHAM JEWELRYThe best advice I could give wouldIf jewelry/gemstones is your passion, wel-be to have patience. There is so muchcome to the party! Working in jewelry requires to know in our industry. I always tell myknowledge and skill, but also your heart and new staff that they can expect a steepsoul to be all in. It is such an evolving and and somewhat lengthy learning curvedelicate industry that you really need to give and thats OK! Every day is an oppor- it your all, at all times. Especially as a jewelry tunity to learn something new. Educatestore owner, its not your typical nine to five. yourself, soak up as much as you can from those around you,We work around the clock, but its so rewarding when you truly love but know theres no substitute for experience.what you do!JONATHAN GELLER, D. GELLER & SONYour role as a person of influence in this industry is to leave it better than you found it without fundamentally changing it. Figure out how to balance innovation and tradition; there is so much room for new perspectives to im-prove our industry, but so many important things that make it great and unique in the wild world of retail. Where else will a partner put millions of dollars of merchandise in your store on a handshake?MILANA ARSAKHANOVA, BELLMAN JEWELERSBeing authentic means embracing both successes and mistakes, viewing each experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. While we can strive to minimize errors, its crucial to handle them gracefully, turning setbacks into stepping stones for improvement. This mindset not only fosters personal growth but also builds resilience and character.BEAU MAVILLE JANINA MESSERLIANDUTILLES JEWELRY DESIGN STUDIO BAXTERS FINE JEWELRY Building your brand and establishing yourThe jewelry industry amazes me every day. There presence takes time, so stay steadfast in yourare so many elements within the industry that make it vision. Learning and growing with the industry isall come together and make it so that anyone is able to very important; always seek to improve your skillsfind something they love. My advice to someone com-and knowledge. Delivering exceptional customering into the industry would be to try everything once. service is paramount. By fostering trust and culti- Try wholesale, sales, marketing, events, high fashion, vating meaningful relationships with customers,costume [jewelry], watches, etc., so that in the end you find what you are you not only secure repeat business but also gainmost passionate about. I love my job because of my ability to dip my toe invaluable referrals that can propel your brand forward.into the many pockets of the industry I find most interesting. GRACE BARRETTI, GREENWICH ST. JEWELERS Work for a small business where your contributions make an impact. Do your research to see if their values match yours. When you are passionate and excited about who you work for (like I am!), your relationship with the hard work youre doing will be positive and rewarding. Also, volunteer! As a committee member of the Black in Jewelry Coalition, I not only meet people outside of my everyday work life but also feel fulfilled being part of a larger network with a great sense of community and purpose. We all learn from each other and swap tips, solve problems, and work together on large-scale projects that make the jewelry industry a more equitable place. Continued on page 7068 RETAILER HALL OF FAME 2024'