b'Mountz Jewelers presenting Floyd Stokes of the American Literary Corporation with a check for $400 as part of the "Inspire 40" campaign, left, and making a $1,000 donation to the nonprofit food program, Project Share, right.There was no special treatment for Tonia at Mountz JewelersEvery diamond that goes through the doors has been handpicked, because everyone is treated like family. For Tonia, this meant a littleand every line that their stores carry is a representation of them-tough love from her big brother.selves, Ron and Tonia say. She took every challenge I threw at her and more, and I know I wasMany of the lines stocked by Mountz Jewelers also have philan-harder on her than I wouldve been on a regular employee because I didntthropic endeavors similar to the community involvement that is a want to show favoritism, he says.core pillar of the retailers business. Because both Ron and Tonia grew up in the business, they were usedOne of these brands is Le Vian, which donates 10 percent of its to doing anything to help out at the store, down to sweeping the floors.pre-tax profits to charity. The brand also is involved in causes to sup-They both attribute their work ethic to their father, Marvin.port local communities and medical charities, along with building You learn and follow in the footsteps of the people youreschools in towns where diamonds are mined. around, says Ron, who never forgot what his father taught himPhilanthropy, community involvement, giving backthats part while he was manager. of our passion, thats part of our culture here at Mountz Jewelers, He showed me that whatever it takes to get the job done, yousays Ron. dont think about being on the clock, you dont think about a workEvery year, the business donates to over 100 charitable organiza-schedule, you never ask an employee to do something you wouldnttions, with a focus on how to help the people of Central Pennsylvania. do or havent done yourself. You have to lead by example.Ron and Tonia spotlight giving back to their community as one of With three locations, Ron and Tonia cant be at all their stores at once.the main tenets in their business because they want to support the They trust their employees and work to empower them by offer- people who support them. ing product knowledge and encouraging higher education.Its such a strong part of our DNA. I mean, we live in the com-Currently, they have four team members who have earned theirmunity where we work and we just want whats best for everybody G.G. diplomas from GIA.who lives here, says Tonia. We tell our employees, when youre having trouble trying toTheyve helped their community in all kinds of ways, from giving make a decision or helping a client, they should ask themselves, whataway turkeys on Thanksgiving to donating to local schools, police would Ron or what would Tonia do? says Ron, whos even had coffeeK-9 units, and childrens hospitals. mugs made with the saying.When looking for what organization to support next, they start with Their 48 employees are not only an extension of Ron and Tonia,healthcare, then move to quality of life, and those who are less fortunate. theyre an extension of our family, says Tonia.But they dont leave all the decision making up to the two of them.There is little turnover at the retailer, with many employees stick- Mountz Jewelers employees voted on the recipients for Inspire ing around for decades.40, the stores 40th anniversary campaign in which a total of 40 Even vendors are part of their family, but they need to have theindividuals and organizations received hand-selected gifts.same passion for the business as Ron and Tonia in order to make itTo celebrate its 45th year in business, the retailer is donating into a Mountz Jewelers showroom.$450 to 45 causes and raffling off a $4,500 shopping spree for its NATIONAL JEWELER 33'