b'SPECIAL FEATUREquarters in the New York City Diamond District, he was mid-purge; he hadnt reached the packing stage of moving out of his longtime office. There were still photos on the wallsa picture from a 24 Karat Club of New York past presidents dinner, and another featuring the heads of the various jewelry industry associations at Jewelers Mutuals headquarters in Wisconsin.Kennedy says its hard to say right now, still months out from retiring, if hes going to miss JSA. He senses, though, that he wont miss the stressestheKennedy, center, poses with jeweler Cathy grind of deadlines and fundraisingbut he will miss the people.Calhoun (left) and Karen Kovach, formerly The people will miss him too; the feeling was palpable atof the Jewelers Vigilance Committee, at the JSAs annual luncheon this past March, held just a couplethe 2022 Gem Awards. (Photo credit: Bart Gorin Photography)weeks after news of Kennedys retirement was made public.People have respect for [John] and thats important, London Jewelers Udell says. When you go to the JSA luncheon in March, you get a couple of hundred people at the New York Yacht Club, you can see howI LIKE THE INDUSTRY A LOT. I LIKE THE people are talking to him, theres a crowd around him . you can see the love people have for him. Its a beautiful thing.PEOPLEA LOT OF THEM ARE CHARACTERS. But, at age 77 after 32 years at JSA, Kennedy knows its time toTHEYRE NOT BUTTONED-DOWN PEOPLE, move on, again. MOST OF THEM, AND ITS FUN.JOHN I want to go out when things are good, which they are, andKENNEDY, JEWELERS SECURITY ALLIANCE when Im good. I dont want to go out and be in bad shape. I dont have any regrets whatsoever.Its time to go.'