b'part of the business; Ron and Tonia were given the choice of working at the jewelry store or exploring other avenues, and theyve opted to afford that same opportunity to their children. While Rons daugh-ter, Amanda Bordner, never worked at MountzThere are just so Jewelers, Tonias nowmany different areas college-age son James has shown interest. that need help and He will be a junior atwere not afraid to Villanova Universitys business school duringdo that. We just hope the 2024-2025 schoolother businesses also year and knows that if he chooses it, Mountz Jewel- follow suit because ers will be there for him. its really important Tonias daughter Katie also may join the familyfor quality of life in business one day.every community, She currently lives in Denver, Colorado, andsupporting the works for a marketingpeople out there. company that does jewel-ry advertising. Ron Leitzel, If she ever decides toMountz Jewelersmove back to Pennsylva-nia, Mountz Jewelers will be an option for her too, says Tonia. As for what the future holds for Mountz Jewelers, nothing is definite just yet.Ron and Tonia are happy with their three locations, but say theyre always thinking about the future.My belief is, if youre standing still, you may as well be think-ing about going backwards, says Ron.NATIONAL JEWELER 35'