b'20 UNDER 40 Q&AQ4: IF YOUR PERSONALITY WAS A GEMSTONE, WHAT WOULD IT BE AND WHY?AMINA SOREL JONATHAN GELLERAMINA SOREL FINE JEWELRY D. GELLER & SONAs gemstones are my absolute passion,Emerald. If it looks perfect,the options are many! Aside from phenome- odds are its fake. nal gems like alexandrite or star rubies/sap-phires; I would have to say the padparadscha sapphire for its vibrant color, rare nature and breathtaking hues! MARINA PILIBOSIAN BOZABALIANBIRMINGHAM JEWELRYMEGAN PICCIONE I asked my husband, who is also in the MEGAN PICCIONE HIGHindustry with me, and what he said was so JEWELRY sweet that I have to share. He said, If you Id consider myself a chameleon dia- were a gemstone, youd be a diamond be-mond, a rare and uniquely colored diamondcause no matter what you do, youre always that changes color in light and/or heat. I canshining. Your work ethic resembles the fire change my demeanor and personality as theand strength of a diamond, and the sparkle in your eyes resembles situation calls for it.the scintillation. And whatever you do, you do so well that people try to replicate you, but you are one-of-a-kind. SARA REISZ SARGENT, SUMMERWIND JEWELERSIf my personality was a gemstone, I would be kunzite due to its unique and captivating qualities and range of pale pink to violet hues. I love the color pink, but I wanted to choose something you dont see as often in jewelry. Sometimes it looks like it shifts color in different lights, but it doesnt. It perfectly blends subtle elegance and unique creativity. Kunzite is often associated with emotional healing and love, reflecting my personality as an empath and commitment to offering support and kindness in every interaction with family, friends, clients, and team members alike. MILANA ARSAKHANOVA TROY UNDERWOODBELLMAN JEWELERS UNDERWOODS FINE Choosing a ruby as my gemstone reflectsJEWELERSnot only its hardness on the Mohs scale but alsoTsavorite garnet due to its pos-parallels my determination and persistence toitivity, optimism, and confidence, achieve success. The color red embodies myeven as a melee-sized stone! Also, passion for jewelry and diamond education,because theyre my favorite stone symbolizing my deep enthusiasm and dedicationand accented in my wifes engage-to these areas of expertise. ment ring. TALON RASMUSSEN, RASMUSSEN JEWELERS I would have to say sapphire. Although beautiful, sapphires usually arent the most brilliant or flashy gemstone, but they are deep. They often gain respect and attention the more time you spend with them. Sapphires also can be a very logical choice for jewelry because of their hardness and durability. I would not consider myself flashy or flamboyant and I dont portray very much of my personality on the surface. You can get to know me deeper as you spend more time with me. I am also a very logical person and often navigate life with reason and logic. Continued on page 7270 RETAILER HALL OF FAME 2024'