b'Bob has always been so passionate about the business; its not aboutCronin has worked with other family businesses and independent the money, its about what we get to do on a daily basis, helping to sharejewelers during her decades in the jewelry industry and she can in the celebratory milestones. Thats always kind of been his drive. confirmthe Rottenbergs have something special. Craig was in college when Cronin was first hired, and Judd alreadyIts nice to see the camaraderie within the Rottenberg family; was part of the business. theyre 100 percent supportive of each other. Being able to listen She left for a few years, and in 2011, Craig brought her back on,to each other and be respectful of each other, it is awesome to see, this time in a bigger buying role.and I think the staff in general feels that. Theres an absolute mutual Bob is kind of like my dad, and Craig and Judd have always kind ofrespect for each other including their mom, whos also part of the felt like my brothers, so it was really natural to come back, she says. business, Diane.It was really an interesting perspective, having worked for Bob,Diane Rottenberg, the brothers say, is the engine behind the who was second generation learning from his father and working inscenes, powering everything.jewelry in the 70s and 80s, and then [working with] Craig, who hadThe style of the store, the style of the company, there are so come out of business school and had more of a financial backgroundmany things. Shes never had an official role, but shes influenced than a merchant background. everything, and still does, says Craig.Shes now been working alongside Craig for more than a decade.The familial and staff support keeps them going, allowing Judd Hes really given me a bigger view of our business, holistically,and Craig to plan for the future but also appreciate what theyve not just [viewing it as] the merchandise, buying the merchandise andbuilt so fara six-store, family-owned jewelry business that is re-selling the merchandise, but really more how to grow [the business],spected both in the industry and by its staff.and what makes us different, and thinking outside the box. Its beenWere living the dream now, Craig laughs. I actually mean that.a fantastic journey for me, Cronin says. As people, were not always good at stopping, lifting our eyes up Shes not surprised the brothers have taken so well to leadingand seeing where we are, but were climbing a mountain, and weve the business. done OKWeve got a long way to go, but we cant help that. Thats Judd has such a merchant mind and Craig has such a businesshow were wiredwe can pause for a second on the climb, but weve mind, its a perfect blend, she says. got to keep climbing.congratulationsCRAIG & JUDD ROTTENBERGOF LONGS JEWELERS IN MASSACHUSETTS & NEW HAMPSHIRECITIZEN WATCH AMERICA IS PROUD TO CELEBRATE THIS WONDERFUL HONOR WITH YOU.WE WISH YOU CONTINUED SUCCESS.NATIONAL JEWELER 23'