b'SPECIAL FEATUREJEWELRY PERSONNEL KILLED DURING ROBBERIES The number of jewelry industry personnel who lost their lives during commission of JSAs lobbying efforts, and the resulting appropria- a robbery has declined from double digits in the late 90s/early aughtswhen crime tions, were a turning point for JSA in terms of gettingagainst traveling salespeople hit a peakto no more than a couple in recent years. police to pay attention to jewelry crime.That was the peak of crime and its gone down drasti- 1999 10cally since then, Kennedy says. Its better enforcement and more information, those two things. 2002 12The drop in the number of salespeople on the road also2005 4has contributed, as has Kennedys leadership, Heyman says. 2008 2Jim [White] ran a very successful and well-regarded Jewelers Security Alliance, Heyman says.2011 7However, John came along and he introduced so2014 3many new features. He made the jewelry industry a safer2017 5place for everybodyjewelers and traveling salespeople. 2020 2TIME TO GO 2023 1Like so many others, Kennedy didnt come into the0 2 4 6 8 10 12jewelry industry with any family connections, but hes found a home.Source: Jewelers Security AllianceHe says in 32 years, he can only think of three people hes had to deal with whom he found to be unpleasant, rude, or inappropriate. He declined to name them,They are swashbuckling, or they have a different attitude. Theyre though he did offer this clue to their identity: Most are dead already. very upbeat, super upbeat people, I mean always upbeat. I like the industry a lot. I like the people. Its funny, you dont deal(He clarifies that is he talking about retailers and watch guys; with stodgy, corporate peoplea lot of them are characters actually,diamond guys, he notes with a laugh, are always downbeat.) and unusual people. Theyre not buttoned-down people, most ofAt the time Kennedy was interviewed for this story at JSA head-them, and its fun.Continued on page 62congratulationsTONIA LEITZEL ULSH & RONALD LEITZELOF MOUNTZ JEWELERS IN PENNSYLVANIACITIZEN WATCH AMERICA IS PROUD TO CELEBRATE THIS SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENT WITH YOU.WE WISH YOU CONTINUED SUCCESS.60 RETAILER HALL OF FAME 2024'