b'PAST RETAILER HALL OF FAMEINDUCTEES2019SINGLE\x0cSTORE INDEPENDENT:Cathy Calhoun, Calhoun Jewelers, Royersford, PennsylvaniaSINGLE\x0cSTORE INDEPENDENT:David and Julia Gardner, David Gardners Jewelers & Gemologists, College Station, Texas MULTI\x0cSTORE INDEPENDENT:Judy and Steve Padis, Padis Jewelry, San Francisco2018 2017SINGLE\x0cSTORE INDEPENDENT: SINGLE\x0cSTORE Dror and Helene Zadok, Zadok Jewelers,INDEPENDENT:Houston Single-store independent: JohnPlease note: Henne, Henne Jewelers, PittsburghNational Jeweler MULTI\x0cSTORE INDEPENDENT:Cathy Tivol, Tivol, Kansas City, Mo.MULTI\x0cSTOREdid not induct new INDEPENDENT: members into the MAJORS: Pam Mortensen, Sissy Jones, Sissys Log Cabin, Retailer Hall of J.C. Penney Co. Inc., Plano, Texas Pine Blu\x02, ArkansasFame fromMAJORS: Jean-Christophe2013-2016Bdos, Birks Group Inc., or in 2020.Montreal, Canada 38 RETAILER HALL OF FAME \x14\x13\x14\x12'