b'Jennifer Gandia & Christina Gandia Gambale theyd be just as at home in an ice creamto their dad. In it, they discovered shop.drawings of the new store according to The designer West says the new storeCarlos, his visions of what Greenwich represents not only the hallmark of theirBeing open to changeSt. Jewelers could look like. They had familythe foundation Carlos and Millyis so essential. Theresremained undisturbed and unseen since laid nearly 50 years agobut also Jenniferjust no way you can behed visited Reade Street in 2017. and Christinas vision for the future. complacent or stuckThose lost sketches look a lot like This is their vision on a whole newin your ways running athe new store.level, West says. It truly lives up toChristina and I feel like, oh weve the Wonder Woman analogy.business today.been creating this space with him this Since the stores opening, Milly hasJENNIFER GANDIAwhole time. Hes been here with his hand visited a few times to see howon [it], sort of blessing this her daughters are carrying onspace and working through the family legacy and she lovesJennifer, right,this design with us, Jennifer it, Jennifer says.and Christina atsays.Their father Carlos died inthe new storeIts very woo-woo but2018 at the age of 76, but he is(Photo credit: woo-woo is what I do, and I Tom Sibley) present in his own way.believe in that kind of thing. Before his passing, CarlosIt, of course, makes us emo-saw the Reade Street space intional but also makes us feel its unfinished state.so much joy. Even though hes A few years after his death,not with us, he is really part of Christina was helping Millythis space.unpack in a new apartment when they came across an old sketchbook that belonged NATIONAL JEWELER 25'